Title cover Adam Sinclair-Greenwood. The Robin Hood Experience.

Adam Sinclair-Greenwood who manages The Robin Hood Experience. The city of Nottingham seems bound and determined to separate all connections with the world-renowned infamous outlaw of Sherwood. The tourism generating icon Robin Hood. The Robin Hood Experience is the only tourist-centric location in all of the city of legends.
We tap into the historic ballads that introduce the character. The sheer flexibility of the attributes of the hero, adapting to ever-changing times and yet remains enduring. Superheroes and a passion of Doctor Who. How the Experience came into existence. What challenges Covid has had on the business. The future of the city and much more.

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Show notes

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Really do appreciate your feedback, it allows me to know I am producing the kind of content you wish to watch. Our Curious World is a one-man production.

Email: Kristian@KristianLander.com

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What is Our Curious World?

Our Curious World. An audio and video podcast. Sharing conversation with friends and guests. Including actors, musicians, authors, historians, artists, adventurers and beyond.
Broadcasting is my way to explore them.

Kristian Lander