Sion-Marc Simpson | Our Curious World – Mental Health, Animism, Paranormal and Art.
Sion-Marc Simpson – a martial artist, a teacher, spiritually following an animist pagan path, paranormal enthusiast and artist. A powerful conversation. Sion-Marc and I opening up discussing mental health. How art can be an outlet for expressing emotion. Sion-Marcs growing private one-off unique macabre art...
Adam Sinclair-Greenwood | Our Curious World #25 – The Robin Hood Experience
Adam Sinclair-Greenwood who manages The Robin Hood Experience. The city of Nottingham seems bound and determined to separate all connections with the world-renowned infamous outlaw of Sherwood. The tourism generating icon Robin Hood. The Robin Hood Experience is the only tourist-centric location in all of...
Our Curious World #9 Taz Thornton
Taz Thornton is our guest with Kristian Lander for Our Curious World. Taz is an inspirational speaker, an #Amazon best selling author and inspirational speaker. A lady forged in her own will. #unleashyourawesome How the corporate world and the personal spiritual side of life have...
Our Curious World #4 David Knight – What is the role of a Bard in the 21st Century
David Knights talks with Kristian Lander. David Knight – Professional actor, poet, performer and public speaker. Writes his popular blog Druidry and Weirdry transpired was the conversation about the role of a bard in the 21st century and the important role they’ve had throughout history. Best to consider...
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What’re People Buzzing About? Your Content Should Join The Conversation
Sed faucibus ultrices orci ac malesuada. Cras eu ante dapibus, imperdiet lacus ac, pulvinar nulla. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris eu metus non mauris suscipit varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et tincidunt ex. Nulla...
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