An origin tale of Pancakes. Nottingham claims to an origin tale to Pancakes. Pancake day is nigh upon us. As we prepare to make and toss our pancakes. It is a perfect time to share this fascinating legend from the Fortean rich village of Linby. North of the city…
Village full of the Fortean
Linby, Nottingham. Village of the Fortean. Where strange events and reports coincide. Ghosts, myths and legends. From UFO reports, sightings of the infamous Spring Heeled Jack, Crop Circles, Ghosts, Phantom Battle-scenes, anomalies, disembodied sounds and voices. Home to an original maypole too and we are…
Spring Heeled Jack in Nottingham
Spring Heeled Jack in Nottingham. The infamous character usually attributed to the streets of Queen Victorias London. With claimed abilities such as jumping from the street floors to the roofs of buildings, jumping from building to building. Dropping gas into crowds. Frequently eluding police and…
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